Last year, 2012, was the most interesting period of time of the 21st century. A large number of the world population were made to believe that the world would end. Books and video clips on the Mayan calendar combined with a string of ancient prophesies were made available. The believers of Christian faith relate the world events to the prophesies in the bible, about anti-Christ, the war of Gog and Magog to Iranian-Israel's conflict, the devastation of the earth by the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

The Muslims too believe in the judgment day, and it is said to be near. What were never thought and imagined before, strangely  is emerging and show their appearance. Some are very despicable. We began to hear a nation that legalized same sex marriage and the selling and consumption of dangerous drugs like marijuana. We hear of leaders justifying the killings thousands of innocent lives including women and children. We hear of great lies being propagated as the truth. I heard the Muslims criticizing the Hudud Law by implying it is savage. Religious morality almost vanish in the Western World.

Once gifts were  regard as corruptions. Today corruptions are defined as gifts.

The list of turn about of the moral culture is too big to pen, and people know what they are. Many has become a norm. Smoking among children has become a norm, so as midnight outing of the young girls.

Honesty and goodness is a lost treasure. Even Ulamas do not act and speak like ones. Ten out of a hundred is too big a number. One Ulama called the other infidel and the Father of Satan. Certainly it is strange.

We cannot imagine how God will end this world. Is world war 3 will be the determinant factor or will be a new start for a new civilization. If WW3 is not the end of time it will be the end of 70% of the world population. The poisoned earth will take time to provide an abundance again, when people will not be greedy anymore, at least for a few more hundred years.

We are being made to believe the next era of the world will be the era when men and aliens will live side by side. There will be vehicles for astral travel. Aliens are here now and the world is using their technology in conveyance. President Reagan announced that we are not alone. Crop circles and UFO's sighting are being recorded. The question remains, whether Area 51 is real or a fairy tale. And the quantum science seems to weld philosophy and sciences, and is telling us of strange things, like one thing can exist in several places and behave differently with and without consciousness.

2013 came into existence quietly without much snobberies towards 2012 failed prediction. The sins continue. Deception never end. Greed is not dying.

I see darkness is coming but pray for it's disappearance.
