I cant zip all the files. So I tried only a few files. These files are big. I 'll bring it the PD. However you just try to download and unzip. Put the files in the ham1 folder when you install the software.


The program works well for me because I know which key to press and which not to press. Since it is not a user friendly, you have to explore a little. The basic you need to know is to enter data. I will try to explain bit by bit.

What are the other features ?
           1. Contain a web browser 
           2. Morse Trainer
           3.  Database which you can keep records
           4. Watching video
           5. Interface to your transceiver using CIV
           6 Record and Playback your QSO

And a few other utility. This is a talking logbook. I will not go to all except for the logging. But you have to set your computer date and time in the followin format; dd/mm/yyyy for data, HH:mm for time and set to +8 hours Kuala Lumpur or Singapore whatever you have in your computer.

When you run the program you will see the image as above. When you hear a station, click the eyes and enter the callsign followed by pressing the Enter key. If you already work the station it will show you the display otherwise there will be blank. To record the current contact click the red book with the word Tambah ( Add).

The moment you click Tambah the display will be as shown on the left. You type in the frequency. Press enter and enter the signal report, name ,mode etc. When a second person call you, repeat the process but this time you don't have to type in the frequency. For each entery click the button Entry Done when the entry is completed. When the station sign off, click Time End.
Checking the QRZ.COM -Most of the time we want to check on the station. Click a check box entitle QRZ below. If the person registers in the server the display will be as the diagram shown.

You can highlight the name and callsign and copy it. Then click the picture of the printer below and paste in the bigger box. The top box is empty. Place the cursor on the top box and double click it. The callsign will appear in the top box..

PRINTING QSL-CARD-I am not going to explain this part. You need to explore it. You can try with the card replace horizontally or vertically and see the output.One other printout you need to do is to print the hardcopy. To do this click the Cetak senarai Log ( print hard copy of the logbook). Follow the instruction.

As to the rest of the facility you need to explore one by one. There may be some errors here and there. I am not a professional programmer and do not have any computer certificate too.

As for the satelite information there may be one error but as you continue the satelite information will be displayed every second s the satelites change position.